

Connect locomotive, yard, control center safely and efficiently.

With the TXROIP digital communication system, you can easily communicate with your staff wherever they are, reduce response times, monitor events remotely, and improve rail safety.

The TXROIP system can easily integrate information from different technologies on a single server. The server receives the information from different sites, which is transmitted through the Gateway. The management and dispatch can then be carried out in a single operations center, thus enabling the control and provision of the minimum resources necessary to carry out the work with guarantee and security.

By using a dedicated hardware platform, the user can use IP network equipment, non-proprietary servers, which ensures business continuity. It provides a scalable system without compromising security and efficiency of operations with significant savings as it can integrate even with older technologies.

The operation of the TXROIP dispatch console is carried out via a touch screen interface, and features a user-friendly screen with icons, symbols, and colors, making it easy to view the origin of calls and dispatch triggers, as well as enabling specific settings and adjustments. The interface enables the operator to easily connect locomotive, yard, control center, perform trains control and dispatching safely and efficiently.

It allows the management of communication control even with a single console. The equipment design is modern and considers the ergonomic characteristics of operation centers. The connections to peripherals are robust and secure.

The TXROIP dispatch console enables an increase in the performance of the operating system and in productivity, reducing the response time and, consequently, costs through the safe integration and control of people, machines, and equipment.

Total solution

  • IP Infrastructure
  • Derailment alarms
  • Redundancy system
  • Interconnection between multiple radios
  • Supports digital and analog radios from the main technologies
  • tecnologias
  • Supports IP telephony platform
  • Voice and data recording

Proven Performance

The TXROIP Remotatec digital communication system solutions are present in Brazil's largest railroad.

The various equipment that make up the TXROIP communication system are designed and tested for mission critical condition.

The commitment to quality of a multidisciplinary team of technicians, engineers, and programmers with expertise of more than 25 years, working to offer the best answer to your needs, from the project to the execution of the solution.

System Migration

  • Unifies digital and analog communication systems on the same platform
  • Facilitates migration between technologies
  • Totally expandable
  • 24/7 Support
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