More Reach for Your Radio Operations

Take your Push To Talk communications on your smartphone, using cellular
and Wi-Fi networks.

Play Video

Instant Messages When You Need to Hear and Be Heard

Easy Integration with Your Current Radio System

Making Team Management Even Easier



Vá além da voz

O aplicativo MovePTT permite ainda a comunicação por mensagens de texto, com o envio de fotos, vídeos e arquivos em anexo.

Manage Your Team via the Web

Add users, create groups, assign statuses, and track your team's location in real-time through the MovePTT web interface.

Integrate with the TXROIP system and do more

Use MovePTT with the TXROIP system to gain more control and agility for your missions. A complete system with dispatch and management of digital and analog radio, telephony, video monitoring, text messaging, LTE network, GPS, and recording.

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