

The actions of the Fire Department require agility, control, and reliability in communications. Essential aspects for the preservation of life.

In mission-critical operations, such as firefighting, communications agility, control and reliability are critical to saving lives. The TXROIP digital system is the ideal alternative for rapid response missions, as it integrates multiple communication protocols and offers a robust and reliable IP dispatch console.

A operação utilizando o workstation TXROIP é realizada através de uma interface touch screen, que apresenta uma tela amigável com ícones, símbolos e cores, facilitando a visualização da origem das chamadas e os acionamentos de despacho. Com um único console o operador pode gerenciar toda a comunicação, integrando diferentes protocolos.

The design of the equipment is modern and takes into account the ergonomic characteristics of the operation centers. The connections with the peripherals are robust and secure.

The TXROIP communication system integrates analog and digital technologies (DMR, NXDN, P25, TETRA) and makes the transmission of voice and data over IP. The information and data that travel over the network are encrypted, without compromising security, from source to destination. The TXROIP system is developed aiming at equipment interoperability in analog and digital systems. This enables joint actions and task forces among the various Public Security agencies.

The TXROIP system can easily integrate the information from different technologies into a single server. The server receives the information from different locations, which is transmitted through the Gateway. Management and dispatching can then be performed in a single task force operations center, thus ensuring the full success of each mission.

Total solution

  • IP Communication
  • Open-standard architecture
  • Redundancy Server
  • Map with georeference (GPS)
  • Voice Recorder with ID
  • Makes use of existing networks
  • Logs, Reporting, and Management
  • Encrypted data
  • Conversation Multigroups
  • Interoperability
  • Telephony Integration


The various equipment that make up the TXROIP communication system are designed and tested for mission critical condition.

The commitment to quality of a multidisciplinary team of technicians, engineers, and programmers with expertise of more than 25 years, working to offer the best answer to your needs, from the project to the execution of the solution.

System Migration

  • Unifies digital and analog communication systems on the same platform
  • Facilitates migration between technologies
  • Totally expandable
  • 24/7 Support
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