Around 1909, radio communication still had many technological limitations. To facilitate the transmission of messages, a set of codes called the Q Code was created. It is a standardized collection of three letters, all beginning with the letter "Q", which was widely used during the two world wars.
Today, with the advance of technology, radio transmissions have evolved a lot and no longer require the use of the code. However, many sectors such as the Police and the Army still use it, much more out of tradition than necessity.
Learn some of the main codes used in radio communications:
QAP - In listening, listening
QAR - Abandoning Listening
QTA - Cancel the last message
QRA - Operator Name
QTC - Message
QRM - Interference
QTH - Location, address
QRT - Stop transmitting
QRU - New, problem
QRV - I am at your disposal
QTO - Toilet
QTR - Right time
QTU - Hours of Operation
QTY - I'm on my way
QUA – News
QUB - Inform Visibility
QSL - Understood
TKS - Thank you, thank you
QSM - Repeat the message
NIHIL (NIL) - Nothing, none
QSO - Personal Contact
Note: The same group of letters can have a negative meaning when followed by the letter "N".
Phonetic Alphabet and Numerals
Besides the Q code, there is also the Phonetic Alphabet and Numeral, created to facilitate the transmission of letters, numbers and uncommon names. Check out the list:
A – Alpha
B – Bravo
C – Charlie
D – Delta
E – Echo (eco)
F – Foxtrot
G – Golf
H – Hotel
I – India
J – Juliet
K – Kilo
L – Lima
M – Mike (maique)
N – November
O – Oscar
P – Papa
Q – Quebec
R – Romeu
S – Sierra
T – Tango
U – Uniform
V – Victor
W – Whiskey
X – Xingu ou X-Ray
Y – Yankee
Z– Zulu
0 – Zero, nadazero
1 – One, unaone
2 - Two, bissotwo
3 - Three, terrathree
4 - Four, kartefour
5 - Five, pantafive
6 - Six, soxisix
7 - Seven, setteseven
8 - Eight, oktoeight
9 - Nine, novenine