
When we talk about telecommunications networks, there is a great debate regarding the replacement of LMR networks by LTE technology. At first glance, it is easy to notice the advancements and advantages...
It is already common knowledge that not all major disasters are caused by a single large failure, but rather some are the result of a series of numerous small bad decisions...
It is a standardized collection of three letters, all starting with the letter "Q", commonly used during both World Wars.
Disaster Recovery is a plan that includes a set of strategies to restore data losses caused by natural disasters, human errors, and more. Learn more!
If you had the opportunity, what would you change in your critical communication system?
Eventos como o ciclone extratropical que afetou a região sul do Brasil põe à prova a eficácia de sistemas de comunicação crítica.
Operate remotely from a radio station.
The TXROIP system maximizes resources, optimizes processes, and minimizes the response time of field operations.
Soluções para centralização e descentralização de Centrais de Operação
Com tecnologia 100% nacional a Remotatec tem como Missão: Desenvolver tecnologias para comunicação integrada que potencialize a operação em sistemas de comunicação, proporcionando agili...
Escalabilidade significa: “Estar preparado para crescer”
As soluções Remotatec são a melhor escolha quando se trata de Atendimentos de Emergência - First Responders.
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